Wednesday, July 1, 2015

S.M.A.R.T Goal and SWOT analysis

Today is the start of next half year of 2015. I was attending a morning meeting today. The discussion for today morning meeting today is "Are you ready for next half battle"?

Everyone is check back the S.M.A.R.T goals. The goal set by each other must be specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time bound.

My personal goal this year is to earn RM 100,000. So my goal is specific at earning RM 100,000. And this goal is measurable which is RM 100,000. Of cos this goal is achievable because this is a exact figure. Results focus mean I need to try all means to make sure I earn RM 100,000 this year. The time frame to achieve this goal is one year period.

So what is your S.M.A.R.T goal ?  It may not necessary a figure but you must write it out... So you can always stick to your goal.

Another important Analysis is SWOT analysis. 

You got to know your Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.

My strength is friendly to people.

Weakness is need to be more hardworking.

Opportunities is there is plenty of financial products to offer to Mass market.

Threats is not too focus on one financial products and this will easily out of the track on my core business.

SWOT analysis can make you understand who you are and what is the preparation and effort you have to put in in order not too be left behind on daily work challenge. The SWOT analysis can actually can apply to a lot of sector like share pick, company analysis, etc.

Learn it and use it... For you or your investment...