Wednesday, July 1, 2015

S.M.A.R.T Goal and SWOT analysis

Today is the start of next half year of 2015. I was attending a morning meeting today. The discussion for today morning meeting today is "Are you ready for next half battle"?

Everyone is check back the S.M.A.R.T goals. The goal set by each other must be specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, and time bound.

My personal goal this year is to earn RM 100,000. So my goal is specific at earning RM 100,000. And this goal is measurable which is RM 100,000. Of cos this goal is achievable because this is a exact figure. Results focus mean I need to try all means to make sure I earn RM 100,000 this year. The time frame to achieve this goal is one year period.

So what is your S.M.A.R.T goal ?  It may not necessary a figure but you must write it out... So you can always stick to your goal.

Another important Analysis is SWOT analysis. 

You got to know your Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.

My strength is friendly to people.

Weakness is need to be more hardworking.

Opportunities is there is plenty of financial products to offer to Mass market.

Threats is not too focus on one financial products and this will easily out of the track on my core business.

SWOT analysis can make you understand who you are and what is the preparation and effort you have to put in in order not too be left behind on daily work challenge. The SWOT analysis can actually can apply to a lot of sector like share pick, company analysis, etc.

Learn it and use it... For you or your investment...

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Possible To Earn One Million In Bursa Within 5 Years With Capital of RM100,000 ?

·         Board: Main
·         Stock Code: 5260
·         52 Week High: 2.980

·         52 Week Low: 0.680

There is few chances to earn a million Ringgit in Bursa. It can be done by focus in one company share or it could be done by combination of more companies share within a period of 5 years.
This can be happen if we implement TVT ( Timing, Value, Theme) concept.

Take it for example, If you have the gut and make a good prediction that Barisan National will win the election on 05/05/2013. And you take action to buy 100,000 share of M.Y.E.G at the cost around RM95,000. You hold these 100,000 M.Y.E.G till October / November 2014 and you satisfied that this share had turned to 5 fold of your initial capital. You left the market with RM450,000.

At the same time you have noticed there is a high potential company is going to listed in Bursa in November 2014. This company is Only World Group (OWG 5260). Let say you used RM300,000 from the capital gained from M.Y.E.G and purchased and accumulated OWG at the price average RM0.80. You got 375,000 share of OWG in your CDS acount. After months later, you guess how much these OWG share worth? OWG is just like the company logo Ferrari horse and the company in deed have the speed of Ferrari. OWG increase more than 200% of IPO price. Your OWG share is equally worth of 1,012,500 at the share price of RM2.70.

From 05/05/2013 till 05/05/2015, for a duration of two years, your initial capital is having 10 folds return. Obviously you have become millionaire if you have dispose all the OWG shares. I wonder is there any investors have execution of this strategies in Bursa.

In deed, I was missed the chance from making money from M.Y.E.G, and 2nd time also OWG, I had visited the headquarter of OWG to visit one of my client in Shah Alam. My client is working as a Training and HR manager in OWG.

A lot of diligent study and research and bravery execution is very very very important for pursuing success in Bursa Malaysia. Hope you remember this always!!


Timing  : After election, this company is highly depend on existing government administration as all                  the online business is highly based on government 's department operation.
Value   : CAGR for M.Y.E.G revenue and profit is more than 20% for 5 years
Theme : The market is full of punter pursuit government-related company share like Prestariang,                        M.Y.E.G and etc.

OWG Only World Group

Timing : No timing is good timing for this share counter as the market is quite quiet and investors                      have time to discover this gem as the whole market is turning from hot to cold.
Value   : Cant see any intrinsic value but the future value is definitely on uptrend and the sky is limit.
Theme : Genting Highland's best partner of F&B business, F&B monopoly business in Genting                 Highland will double up if not triple up when 20th Century Fox is ready for attraction of                     millions of tourists.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Putrajaya and Cyberjaya Half Day Trip

The mid-term school holiday is starting and my sister brought her kids and stay at my house for two nights. In order to ease the boredom for staying in house for 2 days and 2 nights, I planned to bring them for half days trip to Putrajaya and Cyberjaya. 

We depart from my house 4.30 pm and reach Marina Putrajaya Swimming Pool, there is a small beach in front of Marina. The kids is enjoying the sand but the weather is to hot for them. We just stay there around half an hour there and snap few photos.

The second destination is the Brand New Shopping Mall in Cyberjaya - The Pulze. There is a Wai Wai Park for kids below 135 cm for fun. My nieces are very enjoy and play around one hour inside the Wai Wai Park and most important the entry to the Park is temporary free. The kids play like mad and sweat a lot.

After that we depart to Millennium Monument in Precinct 2. Being a tour guide for the half day trip, I told my nieces that we are going to take rocket to space. They are so excited because they never been here before. So we go up to the top deck of Millennium Monument to watch Hot Air Balloon. We didn't take the balloon because the ticket is quite costly. 

After that we headed back to Pullman Hotel and wait for the Musical Fountain. We just in time before the Musical Fountain show start. I guess there is not much promotion on this Musical Fountain because there is only less than 10 people watching the show. The show is around 10 minutes and quite a new and fresh experience for those kids.

After watching the Musical Fountain Show, we head back to home. Before reaching home, I brought my nieces to Mamak Stall near my house for Roti Tissue experience. Those kids really like Roti Tissue as they never have it before. The experience for tearing the Roti Tissue is a fun memory for those kids. 

After that Home Sweet Home !! 

You should bring your family or friends to walk around in Putrajaya! There are a lot of fun activities there. At least enjoying the scenery and magnificent buildings that we had contribute so much through our tax payment !!

Sunzi Art of War Critical Success Factors

That day I was attend a special course organized by Veteran Financial Planner Mr Gan Kim Teck's 3M + 3P programs.

This one of the concept that we learnt from the course - SunZi Art of War Critical Success Factors. The 5 success factors is  Tao  - Heaven  - Earth 地  - General  - Method 

Mr Gan sharing that these 5 success factors actually can link to our everyday life business strategy. 

When you doing or thinking Any Business in the world can exist because there is a future or prospect. 做一样东西/生意一定要有路,有前景,有潜能

When any business have good or potential future or prospect, then of course there is a Market for the business. 东西/生意有路有潜能了,一定要有市场有一片天空来发挥

When any business have a potential future or prospect, then there must have a market place or have to create a market place to execute the business plan. 东西/生意有的发挥有路有潜能了,那一定要创造需求

When any business have good prospect, a potential market,and market place is existing, then we must have a good General or we call good Leader/CEO to execute the business plan in a existing market place. 市场有了,需求有了,一定要有一位好的将领,领导去执行

When there is a good leader/CEO, the leader/CEO must think of any good methods/solutions to locate/think of any potential business, a business with good future or good prospect. A leader must have any method to solve the problem 市场有了,需求有了, 将领有了,那就要想办法去战胜市场

When investing in a share/equities or any business, you must have these 5 Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors. Without or lack one of the success factor, there is no success can be achieved. 

Example, a product without good prospect, good future, cannot do
Example, a product without market, cannot do
Example, a product without need from people, cannot do
Example, a company without a good leader/CEO, cannot do
Example, a leader/CEO that do not shown interest to think of any methods, solutions to bring in a good prospect products, cannot do

The cannot do here is mean never invest in these kinds of company that lacking one or two or more of  Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors. 

In contrary, if there is a company have the all the 5  Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors. Dont hesitate to invest in the share or the business.

Above is Mr Gan sharing on the potential and prospect of Will and Trust by Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors.

Always ask the 10 questions that applicable to yourself before venture into any share investment or business venture. The 10 questions is at the bottom of the page. 

Below is the detail explanation of the 5 success factors that quoted from BVOTECH. 

The first factor is Dao 道 which stands for the The Right Way literally. But from his explanation, I feel the use of the word mission, the cause, and the values one belief in are more appropriate translation. All organization must begins and exist with a meaningful mission - the reason for its existence and the value that it brings to the society.

Second is Tian 天  Heaven or Sky + Timing, Seasons or Dimension of Time
Sun Zi explained that the SKY means weather, day or night, cold or hot, seasonal changes. From other parts of his book, I find using trends and timing are appropriate. Chinese traditional teaching on warfare uses 天时地利人和, literally means Heaven-Time, Terrain-Advantages and People's harmonious support.

Third is 地 Earth, Terrain or Position or Dimension of Space
For modern day business, terrain could refers to where the market is. It could be better to use it as the positioning of our offering, with respect to our target market and competitors' offering.

Fourth is 将 Generals, Commanders or Managers or Leaders
Sun Zi tells us the specific qualities to look for in our commanders - wisdom, integrity, compassion, bravery and discipline. Values are to be balanced - we need compassion and compassion must be balanced with disciplined. Intelligence is needed but it must be balanced with integrity. There is nothing more dangerous than talents without integrity.

Sun Zi also gives us the hiring and firing principle - hire those who share the company' 道 Dao, cultures and values (implied by your order and plan) and fire those who do not match the company's culture and values. 

Decisions making are to be based on facts and evaluated objectively. Follow those that bring benefits, increase our posture, gain public support. Sun Zi is against using the company resources to advance one's personal goals and gains. Look for leaders than can put company's and others' interest above their own selfish gains.

Sun Zi also tells us how to allocate authorities according to the strategic contribution of the positions. Giving the right power to the key positions creates strength. We are then left with finding the right people to fill the key positions. How to do that is given on the next factor.

Fifth is 法 Method, Laws + Order
The organization must have openly stated and understood laws and policies on telling people
  1. what are the right and wrong things to do. 
  2. What is the promotion system and how does one get promoted. 
  3. What are the strategic jobs.
A good General must have method to implement any strategy and laws + order in order to win on any situation.

Application To Your Business - 10 Questions for Your Review
With these five factors in mind, can you review your company situation?
  1. Consider your company mission, are they meaningful and motivating? 
  2. What values are key to accomplishing your mission? 
  3. Are those values institutionalized into policies? 
  4. Do you have corresponding incentives and discipline systems to enforce those key values? 
  5. Are your offering leading, riding, following, or outdated by the market trends?
  6. Is your offering position well? 
  7. How are you organized ? 
  8. Can you tell which are the strategic jobs? 
  9. Do you have the right people in those key jobs? 
  10. Are those key jobs given the right authorities to make those key decisions? 

Quoted from

Image from

Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Call That Worth 1 Million Rinngit

I have a friend name Stanley Kong which is an expert in aquaculture of Malaysia's most expensive fresh water fish and fresh water king prawn. My friend is so dedicated and hardworking and pursuing his dream as a "Father of Empurau", "忘不了之父". He is inspired by another Expert from Malaysia that contribute to the world regarding aquaculture of fresh water giant prawn. The Father of Fresh Water Giant Prawn is Ling. S.W. from Malaysia 1962. -- Studies on the rearing of larvae and culturing of adults of M.rosenbergii (de Man).

I was being given a chance/task to handle call those interested to attend my friend's fish agriculture course and high value crops fertigation course. The reason for taking up the task because the mobile phone coverage in the farm area is not good and my friend cant handle the call while he is focusing in the farm daily operation and administration. The reward of helping my friend is he offering sharing of 10% of his course fee from all the course attendants. My task is marking those called in and interested to take the course and arrange the date for the course and follow up on those interested on the agriculture course.

The first student who attend my friend's fish agriculture course actually is a veteran businessman who actually bought the farm from my friend partners. The businessman and then offering 49% share of the farm to my friend. The farm actually worth around 2 Millions. The share of 49% is actually cost around 1 million.

I was so glad that my friend actually had found a partner that can assist him to build up his career. After the bought-out of the farm, the veteran partner actually funded in some capital in order to assist my friend to build up the agriculture business.

Sometimes my friend always tell me that he very glad that I was assisting him to handle the call, if not he might miss the chance to meet this valuable partner. Anyway I just told my friend that I just do my part as coordinator for his agriculture class. Of cause we never know who is calling in from the phone call, every call in must have a polite reply and answer.

This is why my friend always mentioned - You handle a call that worth a Million!

Friday, June 19, 2015


I have read this book around 10 years ago. The author is a very creative and calculative man. The character of being calculative make him success in de tour the world.

I am very admire and respect him in the way of planning and execution. In my thought, in everything we handle must have planning and execution.

The author has a dream and due to several events happened on him had triggered him to start on his dream.

The same go with Investment no matter in Bursa or any other investment instruments. Planning and execution is a must.

Last year I went for a course Pattern Trader Tutorial which cost me RM7500. I was hesitated for so long and I brought my friend to attend preview of  Pattern Trader Tutorial. My friend without any investment knowledge showed interest to attend the course and I was influenced by him and signed up the course.

I can see my friend's passion in pursuing success in financial investment. This is what I saw a execution step to success in financial investment. In my future blogs, I will share some of my execution and idea in financial investment - especially in Bursa Malaysia.

The Europe trip that in my dream I am sure one day will realize. But now I am so eagerly to look for another two books from this author.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Cooking - One of My Favourite Hobby

That day I was attending a Brand Building Course in Great Eastern Mall. The trainer Pauline was asking every attendants to self introduction and voice out everyone's hobby.

It is my turn and I mentioned Coin Collecting, Cooking and Badminton. Those ladies was surprising that I can cook. In deed I like cooking very much but just I don't like to do the washing and cleaning up of the mess after cooking.

It has been few years I never invited friends to my house to enjoy my whole heartening dishes.
So I just wrote out few dishes name and write down my tend to invited guests.

Below are the Menu that in my mind,

1) Five Happiness Visited Together 五福临门

2) Drunken Tong Bo Meat 酒醉东坡肉

3) Soup of Grandfather Coconut 老爷炖汤

4) Everyday Got Balance 天天有余

5) Ten Thousand Purple and Thousand Red  万紫千红

6) Refreshing Greenery Here and There 绿意盎然

7) Aromatic Lotus Leaf Everywhere 荷叶飘香

8) Bundle of Golden Bars 黄金万两

9) Snow Mountain of Sago 雪山西米露

The menu sound nice but a lot of preparation and practice of cooking needed for each of the dishes. It is time to revisit wet market and sharpen my cooking knife again.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

TVT - Timing , Value , Theme

To all friends investing in Bursa Malaysia, This is a very useful book to enlighten how to make great money if not huge money in Bursa Malaysia.

If you can manage and understand the TVT - Timing, Value and Theme in every minute when you start investing in Bursa. I bet you wont lose money but making a lot money.

I just came across this book this year, I always wonder if I have read this book early.

Just recommend this book to you... Hope you can understand the essence of this book TVT and using TVT for making your first pail of money... It just cost you RM50 to make first pail of money...

Hope this song will inspire you for not killing your dream.....I dreamed a dream