Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunzi Art of War Critical Success Factors

That day I was attend a special course organized by Veteran Financial Planner Mr Gan Kim Teck's 3M + 3P programs.

This one of the concept that we learnt from the course - SunZi Art of War Critical Success Factors. The 5 success factors is  Tao  - Heaven  - Earth 地  - General  - Method 

Mr Gan sharing that these 5 success factors actually can link to our everyday life business strategy. 

When you doing or thinking Any Business in the world can exist because there is a future or prospect. 做一样东西/生意一定要有路,有前景,有潜能

When any business have good or potential future or prospect, then of course there is a Market for the business. 东西/生意有路有潜能了,一定要有市场有一片天空来发挥

When any business have a potential future or prospect, then there must have a market place or have to create a market place to execute the business plan. 东西/生意有的发挥有路有潜能了,那一定要创造需求

When any business have good prospect, a potential market,and market place is existing, then we must have a good General or we call good Leader/CEO to execute the business plan in a existing market place. 市场有了,需求有了,一定要有一位好的将领,领导去执行

When there is a good leader/CEO, the leader/CEO must think of any good methods/solutions to locate/think of any potential business, a business with good future or good prospect. A leader must have any method to solve the problem 市场有了,需求有了, 将领有了,那就要想办法去战胜市场

When investing in a share/equities or any business, you must have these 5 Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors. Without or lack one of the success factor, there is no success can be achieved. 

Example, a product without good prospect, good future, cannot do
Example, a product without market, cannot do
Example, a product without need from people, cannot do
Example, a company without a good leader/CEO, cannot do
Example, a leader/CEO that do not shown interest to think of any methods, solutions to bring in a good prospect products, cannot do

The cannot do here is mean never invest in these kinds of company that lacking one or two or more of  Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors. 

In contrary, if there is a company have the all the 5  Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors. Dont hesitate to invest in the share or the business.

Above is Mr Gan sharing on the potential and prospect of Will and Trust by Sun Zi Art of War Critical Success Factors.

Always ask the 10 questions that applicable to yourself before venture into any share investment or business venture. The 10 questions is at the bottom of the page. 

Below is the detail explanation of the 5 success factors that quoted from BVOTECH. 

The first factor is Dao 道 which stands for the The Right Way literally. But from his explanation, I feel the use of the word mission, the cause, and the values one belief in are more appropriate translation. All organization must begins and exist with a meaningful mission - the reason for its existence and the value that it brings to the society.

Second is Tian 天  Heaven or Sky + Timing, Seasons or Dimension of Time
Sun Zi explained that the SKY means weather, day or night, cold or hot, seasonal changes. From other parts of his book, I find using trends and timing are appropriate. Chinese traditional teaching on warfare uses 天时地利人和, literally means Heaven-Time, Terrain-Advantages and People's harmonious support.

Third is 地 Earth, Terrain or Position or Dimension of Space
For modern day business, terrain could refers to where the market is. It could be better to use it as the positioning of our offering, with respect to our target market and competitors' offering.

Fourth is 将 Generals, Commanders or Managers or Leaders
Sun Zi tells us the specific qualities to look for in our commanders - wisdom, integrity, compassion, bravery and discipline. Values are to be balanced - we need compassion and compassion must be balanced with disciplined. Intelligence is needed but it must be balanced with integrity. There is nothing more dangerous than talents without integrity.

Sun Zi also gives us the hiring and firing principle - hire those who share the company' 道 Dao, cultures and values (implied by your order and plan) and fire those who do not match the company's culture and values. 

Decisions making are to be based on facts and evaluated objectively. Follow those that bring benefits, increase our posture, gain public support. Sun Zi is against using the company resources to advance one's personal goals and gains. Look for leaders than can put company's and others' interest above their own selfish gains.

Sun Zi also tells us how to allocate authorities according to the strategic contribution of the positions. Giving the right power to the key positions creates strength. We are then left with finding the right people to fill the key positions. How to do that is given on the next factor.

Fifth is 法 Method, Laws + Order
The organization must have openly stated and understood laws and policies on telling people
  1. what are the right and wrong things to do. 
  2. What is the promotion system and how does one get promoted. 
  3. What are the strategic jobs.
A good General must have method to implement any strategy and laws + order in order to win on any situation.

Application To Your Business - 10 Questions for Your Review
With these five factors in mind, can you review your company situation?
  1. Consider your company mission, are they meaningful and motivating? 
  2. What values are key to accomplishing your mission? 
  3. Are those values institutionalized into policies? 
  4. Do you have corresponding incentives and discipline systems to enforce those key values? 
  5. Are your offering leading, riding, following, or outdated by the market trends?
  6. Is your offering position well? 
  7. How are you organized ? 
  8. Can you tell which are the strategic jobs? 
  9. Do you have the right people in those key jobs? 
  10. Are those key jobs given the right authorities to make those key decisions? 

Quoted from

Image from

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