I like this song. It is very meaningful. Money cant buy us happiness. Can we all slow down and enjoy right now?
Friday, September 30, 2011
This Song is sing by Olivia Ong. I like to listen this song very much. Cannot explain why but imagine a girl sing this song to you by her real heart. I think the guy will be the luckiest one in the world.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
WCT - One of the Prestigous Construction Company

When you want to understand a company better, then you have to browse the website of the company. From the website, you will feel whether the company is serious to develop their company.
Above is the website of WCT. Once you click on the website, you can read WCT profile, latest news, their current project and track records and etc. Check also their vission and mission and look at board of directors.
Always monitor the company on-going projects. For example, understand what projects that WCT doing now. WCT is busy with LCCT 2, Vale Perak, Putrajaya building, KLIA 2, AEON Bandar Bukit Tinggi, The Paradigm and some projects at Middle East.
Also click into Investor Relationship, Read thru the company annual report, bursa announcement, quaterly financial reports, research house report. Remember those company will post research house reports mean they are noticed and monitored by Research house which will influence the Investor to invest in this company.
Always go to KLSE's website to check the latest announcement of the company from below link,
Just like recently WCT managed to get Concession Agreement with MAHB to manage KLIA 2.
With more understanding for the company and waiting for the right timing. Just be prudent risk taking and the profit of share investment will waiting you after few months.
Always try to buy low and sell and this is method that is very safe and conservative. Do some homework or preparation before go to exam hall and this preparation will make sure you will not fail in the exam.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Timing - Another Important Element of Share Investment
Timing is very important element in share investment. Will you know who will be your last life partner? No one of us can answer definitely. Same to share investment - there is no definite answer how long you want to hold a share or when you can find a right share.
Of cos in the right timing and you have picked up the right share to invest, then you reward will be tremendous one. If you select at share at the wrong time or down trend time, of cos it will affect your investment progression and probably hurt yourself.
Share investment is just like a human situation. You may miss the right girl or right guy at the wrong timing. Just like you miss a chance to buy a good share at the good timing. But you may ask how to find a good share at the right timing? At the same time, you may also ask yourself how to find a good life partner at the right time?
With good preparation and open heart, when the right share is appear in front of you and you feel it is the timing you can take risk then you can start to invest in the share. Same goes to human relationship.
In share investment, the right timing to invest would be when all people are run away from share market and the share price is really lower than the share value.
Timing - very important......
If you really miss a good share, then is either wait for it or looking forward for a new share. Just do tremendous preparation and when right timing is come you will find the right share to invest and that will make you successful. Looking forward is better than waiting. How many years can you wait the good share come to you again? Ask this question to yourself - maybe you already have answer in your heart......
Of cos in the right timing and you have picked up the right share to invest, then you reward will be tremendous one. If you select at share at the wrong time or down trend time, of cos it will affect your investment progression and probably hurt yourself.
Share investment is just like a human situation. You may miss the right girl or right guy at the wrong timing. Just like you miss a chance to buy a good share at the good timing. But you may ask how to find a good share at the right timing? At the same time, you may also ask yourself how to find a good life partner at the right time?
With good preparation and open heart, when the right share is appear in front of you and you feel it is the timing you can take risk then you can start to invest in the share. Same goes to human relationship.
In share investment, the right timing to invest would be when all people are run away from share market and the share price is really lower than the share value.
Timing - very important......
If you really miss a good share, then is either wait for it or looking forward for a new share. Just do tremendous preparation and when right timing is come you will find the right share to invest and that will make you successful. Looking forward is better than waiting. How many years can you wait the good share come to you again? Ask this question to yourself - maybe you already have answer in your heart......
Monday, September 26, 2011
Expose to As Many Share As Possible Like A Single Man Looking For Fair Lady
How to search a good share to invest from the share market? There are thousand of share to choose from. Actually share or stock is a creation of mankind so the characteristics of share or stock is also same to characteristics of man or woman.
Searching a good share to invest is just like searching a good life partner for your wholelife. Indeed if you had bought the right share for your wholelife then your wholelife will be easier, more happy and enjoyable. It goes same if you marry a right partner and you will also have easier life, more happy and wonderful life experience.
Everyone know searching a good share is upmost important. But how to search a good share? It is very same situation in normal life. How to search a good guy or good girl to marry? Of cos exposure to as many as guy you can meet. If you only exposure to 1 guy or 2 guy then how you get know to good guy. There is only 5 to 10 guys is very nice one out of 1000 guys. There is only 30 to 60 guys is considerable good out of 1000 guys. There is around 800 to 900 guys from 1000 guys is average. And needless to say, the balance of 100 guys will mean guys out of 1000 guys. If you only expose to 1 or 2 guy then there is a big possibility that you will meet average guys or mean guys because 9 out of 10 is in this category.
( No offend or no special meaning of mean or average guys, somebody like to have normal life or average life can choose average guys. There is no wrong or right to choose nice guy or bad guys. And the defination of nice guys for everyone of us also different. As long as you happy with bad guy, you also can choose bad guy - maybe you have the ability to change them from bad to good!)
Above situation also applicable in share market. You have to expose to share counter as many as possible then only you will meet 5 to 10 very rewarded and wonderful share. There is only 30 to 60 growing share waiting to you to become successful together with them. So the lesson advise us to get know to as many share as we can. Take out the newspaper and study the company from each category. Just like you want to know which type of guy or girl then you search for that type of guy or girl that suite you. Do it day by day, maybe one day one counter just like knowing a girl or a guy. You probably cant get know to 100 guys or girls in one day right? Same to exposure to share.
Once the exposure part is done. For example if you get know to 500 guys, then what will you going to do next? Of cos filteration or selection, If you are wise and smart of cos you will list out the best guys and nice guys. Then try to start a relationship with them because these guys probably will become your lifetime partner.
Same in share selection and filteration, we have to choose the right share to invest or else our wholelife will become miserable or not so happy or difficult. Choosing a right share is as important as choosing a right man or woman to become your life partner.
For your info - Choosing a right share and choosing a right guy or right girl can be done parallel. Anyway you can choose not to choose a share because you dont want to take risk or you dont want to get your money losses. No wrong or right. As long as you feel happy for your life.
For me, I want to have both done in very well manner. I do not scare mistake as we learn from mistakes rather than just avoid mistake by just sit there and wait.
In search of good share or good partner is upmost important when we are young and still have capital to take risk......
Always remember it......
Searching a good share to invest is just like searching a good life partner for your wholelife. Indeed if you had bought the right share for your wholelife then your wholelife will be easier, more happy and enjoyable. It goes same if you marry a right partner and you will also have easier life, more happy and wonderful life experience.
Everyone know searching a good share is upmost important. But how to search a good share? It is very same situation in normal life. How to search a good guy or good girl to marry? Of cos exposure to as many as guy you can meet. If you only exposure to 1 guy or 2 guy then how you get know to good guy. There is only 5 to 10 guys is very nice one out of 1000 guys. There is only 30 to 60 guys is considerable good out of 1000 guys. There is around 800 to 900 guys from 1000 guys is average. And needless to say, the balance of 100 guys will mean guys out of 1000 guys. If you only expose to 1 or 2 guy then there is a big possibility that you will meet average guys or mean guys because 9 out of 10 is in this category.
( No offend or no special meaning of mean or average guys, somebody like to have normal life or average life can choose average guys. There is no wrong or right to choose nice guy or bad guys. And the defination of nice guys for everyone of us also different. As long as you happy with bad guy, you also can choose bad guy - maybe you have the ability to change them from bad to good!)
Above situation also applicable in share market. You have to expose to share counter as many as possible then only you will meet 5 to 10 very rewarded and wonderful share. There is only 30 to 60 growing share waiting to you to become successful together with them. So the lesson advise us to get know to as many share as we can. Take out the newspaper and study the company from each category. Just like you want to know which type of guy or girl then you search for that type of guy or girl that suite you. Do it day by day, maybe one day one counter just like knowing a girl or a guy. You probably cant get know to 100 guys or girls in one day right? Same to exposure to share.
Once the exposure part is done. For example if you get know to 500 guys, then what will you going to do next? Of cos filteration or selection, If you are wise and smart of cos you will list out the best guys and nice guys. Then try to start a relationship with them because these guys probably will become your lifetime partner.
Same in share selection and filteration, we have to choose the right share to invest or else our wholelife will become miserable or not so happy or difficult. Choosing a right share is as important as choosing a right man or woman to become your life partner.
For your info - Choosing a right share and choosing a right guy or right girl can be done parallel. Anyway you can choose not to choose a share because you dont want to take risk or you dont want to get your money losses. No wrong or right. As long as you feel happy for your life.
For me, I want to have both done in very well manner. I do not scare mistake as we learn from mistakes rather than just avoid mistake by just sit there and wait.
In search of good share or good partner is upmost important when we are young and still have capital to take risk......
Always remember it......
Friday, September 23, 2011
Share Investment Is An Art of Prediction and Forecasting
I always tell my friend share is not for play but for invest. If you know nothing about share it is better you dont touch it totally.
Before you start share investment, you must have some ambition to earn hundred thousand or millions in long term and not few hundreds in a very short term. A lot of people fail or make loss in share market because they "play share" instead of "invest share".
When you earn few hundred in share market, will you satisfy and make profit and sell the share?
A lot of people earn few hundred and sell their share. There is no wrong or right to do so. You must know what company you investing.
For me, share investment is an art of prediction and forecasting. But we are not simply predict and forecast. Every prediction and forecast actually is supported by extensive of informations and history. Dont simply forecast and predict without any evidences of facts to support your prediction and forecasting.
Hopefully can share some example in future - so start "invest share" now instead of "play share".
Before you start share investment, you must have some ambition to earn hundred thousand or millions in long term and not few hundreds in a very short term. A lot of people fail or make loss in share market because they "play share" instead of "invest share".
When you earn few hundred in share market, will you satisfy and make profit and sell the share?
A lot of people earn few hundred and sell their share. There is no wrong or right to do so. You must know what company you investing.
For me, share investment is an art of prediction and forecasting. But we are not simply predict and forecast. Every prediction and forecast actually is supported by extensive of informations and history. Dont simply forecast and predict without any evidences of facts to support your prediction and forecasting.
Hopefully can share some example in future - so start "invest share" now instead of "play share".
Mega Sale In Share Market!
Recently all the shares in KLSE is dropped to almost one year lowest. You can see many arrows pointing down when you read Sin Chew Cai Jing( Business column for Sin Chew Jit Poh). This is a good signals for good share selection!
From my personal prediction, the share market will further down for another 20%. This is a right time to do extensive homework in order to have good result in coming year. Today I shared some point of views in share investment with my friend. To my surprise he actually made some loss in share investment. But luckily he accepted his mistake and want to learn and improve in share investment in coming time.
Sometimes if we make mistake, I think we have to admit it and do changes and improve for better future. Admit mistake then you know your weakness and strength so other people will assist you in what you doing. Because this world if full of people who want to help you success unless you resist and scare to success!
To my friend, one day you will definitely success. With patience, hardwork and determination, the success is not far away from you.
Success = preparation meets opportunity
From my personal prediction, the share market will further down for another 20%. This is a right time to do extensive homework in order to have good result in coming year. Today I shared some point of views in share investment with my friend. To my surprise he actually made some loss in share investment. But luckily he accepted his mistake and want to learn and improve in share investment in coming time.
Sometimes if we make mistake, I think we have to admit it and do changes and improve for better future. Admit mistake then you know your weakness and strength so other people will assist you in what you doing. Because this world if full of people who want to help you success unless you resist and scare to success!
To my friend, one day you will definitely success. With patience, hardwork and determination, the success is not far away from you.
Success = preparation meets opportunity
Friday, September 16, 2011
Just Want to Having Growth Together Only
Recently I wrote a lot theory about share investment and encourage my friend to invest in share market.
I strongly believe by share investment can make us retire in a very comfortable lifestyle. Of cos you must buy the right share at the right moment.
I always tell my friend you can analyze what I said. I am not 100% correct in everything. I also loss some money in share market when I was beginner. Do not blindly listen to what I said, do some homework and analyze youself about what I told.
Just like whatever you do you did in life is your own matter, nobody have right to disturb or criticize you. I strongly believe this is human right of everyone of us. Sometimes I will write and share some reality in life but this is not to criticize anybody. If you are one in example, please dont feel angry as I not writing about any single person. Dont match yourself in the any character in my blog.
My blog is just sharing what I saw, what I Heard, what I Feel, what I Taste, what I Experienced before, what I Think, and it is not to crictize or influence anybody lifestyle or mindset......
I am truly respect everybody as everyone of us is very unique. That is why there are so many characters of people in this world.
Whatever I shared some investment strategy in my blog is not a guidance or instruction for you to follow. Excess your own risk before you make any decision after read my blog. And my investment strategy is not guarranty to make profit.
The ultimate purpose of my blog is to Growth Better and better with you if you think I am the right person to do it together......
I strongly believe by share investment can make us retire in a very comfortable lifestyle. Of cos you must buy the right share at the right moment.
I always tell my friend you can analyze what I said. I am not 100% correct in everything. I also loss some money in share market when I was beginner. Do not blindly listen to what I said, do some homework and analyze youself about what I told.
Just like whatever you do you did in life is your own matter, nobody have right to disturb or criticize you. I strongly believe this is human right of everyone of us. Sometimes I will write and share some reality in life but this is not to criticize anybody. If you are one in example, please dont feel angry as I not writing about any single person. Dont match yourself in the any character in my blog.
My blog is just sharing what I saw, what I Heard, what I Feel, what I Taste, what I Experienced before, what I Think, and it is not to crictize or influence anybody lifestyle or mindset......
I am truly respect everybody as everyone of us is very unique. That is why there are so many characters of people in this world.
Whatever I shared some investment strategy in my blog is not a guidance or instruction for you to follow. Excess your own risk before you make any decision after read my blog. And my investment strategy is not guarranty to make profit.
The ultimate purpose of my blog is to Growth Better and better with you if you think I am the right person to do it together......
Blogspot that is Sharing of Share Investment Experience and Knowledge
This blog is written by Pauline Yong - a very experienced investor and mentor in KLSE.
Read this blog if you have some experience in share investment. Why no experience cannot read? Because I think because those without share investment experience will not understand some of the articles. Do not complicated yourself when you still a beginner in share investment.
Just always have a mindset you want to retire in very comfortable lifestyle and this is realizable and not just a dream or imagination.
Think big and practise and start by small !!!
This blog is written by Pauline Yong - a very experienced investor and mentor in KLSE.
Read this blog if you have some experience in share investment. Why no experience cannot read? Because I think because those without share investment experience will not understand some of the articles. Do not complicated yourself when you still a beginner in share investment.
Just always have a mindset you want to retire in very comfortable lifestyle and this is realizable and not just a dream or imagination.
Think big and practise and start by small !!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Share Investment Book : I Love Sotck !
For the new beginner of share investment, there is a book titled " I LOVE STOCK ! " by Pauline Yong. The author is a Malaysia and a lady. She got a lot of experience in share investment and she wrote down all the knowledge of share investment based on Malaysia Market.
This book can get from MPH. And it only cost RM33.80 and free a Financial Planning CD. It is a very good book for entry level for start investing in KLSE.
If you really want to retire in a very comfortable lifestyle. Dont hesitate to buy the book and learn and if cannot understand always seek guideance from those are experienced.
Prepared youself because the chance is coming very soon( share market is existing good opportunity as most of share will drop to lowest point) and for few more months(at least give the market 12 to 24 months cos no one single share in KLSE will rise like sky rocket in short term, you also have to work at least one year in order to get bonus from your company right?) - you may pay 2 or 3 months bonus for yourself if you start doing homework now.
Dont let your boss determine your bonus but yourself !
This book can get from MPH. And it only cost RM33.80 and free a Financial Planning CD. It is a very good book for entry level for start investing in KLSE.
If you really want to retire in a very comfortable lifestyle. Dont hesitate to buy the book and learn and if cannot understand always seek guideance from those are experienced.
Prepared youself because the chance is coming very soon( share market is existing good opportunity as most of share will drop to lowest point) and for few more months(at least give the market 12 to 24 months cos no one single share in KLSE will rise like sky rocket in short term, you also have to work at least one year in order to get bonus from your company right?) - you may pay 2 or 3 months bonus for yourself if you start doing homework now.
Dont let your boss determine your bonus but yourself !
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Chapter 2.1 How to Minimize Risk in Share Investment
As Warrant Buffett said:" Rule No 1 :Never Loss Money, Rule No 2, Never forget Rule No 1. "
Every single cent that accummulate for investment is very precious to a new beginner. How to follow Rule No 1 of Warrant Buffett? Simple answer: Buy the share when the share is desperately low. Of cos select the share that you are 100% familiar with what they are doing in the company.
How to know the share market is already desperately low? Pls have a look on Sin Chiew's share price column. When there are more than 100 arrows pointing downward on the same day that mean the market is almost at the lowest level within 52 weeks.
Start buying the share when other people keep telling how bad is the market and do not enter the market. Buy the share when the value of the share is totally not tally with the share price(mean the share price is really low).
When you buy a share at it's lowest price and you dont have much to loss any more. The next step you have to do is be patient for one or two years. Your capital will grow more if your heart is much more patient.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Chapter 2. Risk and Returns
Share is actually a creation of man. So the share will have its character just like a man. Choosing a share is as important as choosing a man/woman for yourself.
Risk to Marry a Stranger Man
- because you are not sure who is this man(will he is a doctor, lawyer, accountant, conman, ect)
- because you are not familiar with this man(his habits, living style, hobby,thinking,etc)
- because you dont have knowledge or info of this man
- because you cannot contorl this man
Risk will appear
- because you not sure about share investment
- because you not familiar with share investment
- because you dont have knowledge of share investment
- because you cannot control the share
-is money earns from investment minus all cost related
High risk, High return!
Low risk, Low return!!
No risk, No return!!!
Is that anyway that Low risk High return scenario happen in Share Investment?
That is possible but need a lot of study, research, filter, timing and understanding of the share.
Always prepare for the worst scenario - just like you did not study a man/woman, and decide to marry him/her - like this - it is depend on luck. Never depend on luck when investing is share market.
To avoid Risk in share investment. you have to ask yourself -
- Are you sure you heard this company before, ask at least 10 people to get your answer.
- Are you familiar with what the company doing?
- Are you have the knowledge of the company operation and how they make money?
- Are you able to control the update of the company?
Risk to Marry a Stranger Man
- because you are not sure who is this man(will he is a doctor, lawyer, accountant, conman, ect)
- because you are not familiar with this man(his habits, living style, hobby,thinking,etc)
- because you dont have knowledge or info of this man
- because you cannot contorl this man
Risk will appear
- because you not sure about share investment
- because you not familiar with share investment
- because you dont have knowledge of share investment
- because you cannot control the share
-is money earns from investment minus all cost related
High risk, High return!
Low risk, Low return!!
No risk, No return!!!
Is that anyway that Low risk High return scenario happen in Share Investment?
That is possible but need a lot of study, research, filter, timing and understanding of the share.
Always prepare for the worst scenario - just like you did not study a man/woman, and decide to marry him/her - like this - it is depend on luck. Never depend on luck when investing is share market.
To avoid Risk in share investment. you have to ask yourself -
- Are you sure you heard this company before, ask at least 10 people to get your answer.
- Are you familiar with what the company doing?
- Are you have the knowledge of the company operation and how they make money?
- Are you able to control the update of the company?
Bitter first Sweet later @ Sweet first Bitter later 先苦后甜 @ 先甜后苦
From the property talk I attend, I learn from the speaker SW Tan that some very Chinese Traditional Thinking. I also very understand that every success must have a untold efforts and sacrifices behind.
The speaker and his wife(Mrs Tan) just merely a couple graduated from local university. They just like ordinary people start to work as executive in corporate work. Everything start from zero. Although they are married and they just went to Local to travel because they understand sacrifices in 15 years ago will make what they have today. I respect Mrs Tan very much because she seldom request Mr Tan for oversea travel and luxury life spending. Every single cent that they save is putting in property investment.
By borrowing some capital from parent and mostly use whatever they save, Mr Tan & Mrs Tan start to own their first commercial property, second, slowly third and now more than ten. If one of the couple is not cooperate or cannot sacrifice and there will be no what they have today.
There point behind this real case is are you willing to taste bitter first or sweet first? Think about it - today bitter may become future honey. Whatever life you choose is your human right and nobody will care your decision.
Sweet or Bitter - which one first - think about it.....
The speaker and his wife(Mrs Tan) just merely a couple graduated from local university. They just like ordinary people start to work as executive in corporate work. Everything start from zero. Although they are married and they just went to Local to travel because they understand sacrifices in 15 years ago will make what they have today. I respect Mrs Tan very much because she seldom request Mr Tan for oversea travel and luxury life spending. Every single cent that they save is putting in property investment.
By borrowing some capital from parent and mostly use whatever they save, Mr Tan & Mrs Tan start to own their first commercial property, second, slowly third and now more than ten. If one of the couple is not cooperate or cannot sacrifice and there will be no what they have today.
There point behind this real case is are you willing to taste bitter first or sweet first? Think about it - today bitter may become future honey. Whatever life you choose is your human right and nobody will care your decision.
Sweet or Bitter - which one first - think about it.....
Property Investment - Do you have the Gut?
After I attending the property talk, I really learn something.
Actually many of us already know this quote - "Success is you doing what other people not dare to do" the doing is mean your effort, your gut and your planning in the direction that not much peole will follow.
From the property talk, one of the lady aged 28 years old already possess 4 properties to collect rental for her. She started to purchase her 1st property in age of 19 years old and she is not come from rich family. After she met the property speaker Mr SW Tan in Sony and she didnt hesitate to follow what her senior(SW Tan) told her in investing properties. One by one she already have 4 properties to collect rent and she planning to retire at age of 40 to 45.
Do you have gut to start? That is a question in everybody heart.
No matter whether do you have gut in property investment or share investment or business venture or self improvement or love life - The gut you have will lead you what you become after twenty years.
So seriously learn and start to do whatever you think it is right for your life since you still have gut......
Actually many of us already know this quote - "Success is you doing what other people not dare to do" the doing is mean your effort, your gut and your planning in the direction that not much peole will follow.
From the property talk, one of the lady aged 28 years old already possess 4 properties to collect rental for her. She started to purchase her 1st property in age of 19 years old and she is not come from rich family. After she met the property speaker Mr SW Tan in Sony and she didnt hesitate to follow what her senior(SW Tan) told her in investing properties. One by one she already have 4 properties to collect rent and she planning to retire at age of 40 to 45.
Do you have gut to start? That is a question in everybody heart.
No matter whether do you have gut in property investment or share investment or business venture or self improvement or love life - The gut you have will lead you what you become after twenty years.
So seriously learn and start to do whatever you think it is right for your life since you still have gut......
Chapter 1. The Desire of Share Market Investment - Think Big
A lady told me that she is interested in share investment but she dont have any capital to start up. She also asked me how much the capital must have in order to start up.
I told the lady - it is merely RM3000 or RM5000 initial capital to start. But how to start to accummulate or prepare the initial capital of RM3000 or RM5000 to start is depend on how strong is your desire.
If I tell you that your initial capital of RM3000 will confirm become RM6000 after one year - will you try all your effort to get RM3000?
Actually a lot of things can be realized if you think big and dare to start - of cos you also have to prepare to take the risk to lost all of your initial capital ( Will share how to minimize the risk of share investment in next chapter).
Year Investment Capital(100% Capital Growth)
1 RM3000
2 RM6000
3 RM12000
4 RM24000
5 RM48000
6 RM96000
7 RM192000
8 RM384000
9 RM768000
10 RM1536000
11 RM3072000
12 RM6144000
13 RM12288000
If you can double up your capital growth every year for consecutive 13 years, your RM3000 will become RM12,288,000. If this happen in your life? Can you imagine how wonderful is the life? How fast your will get your inital capital to start?
Lady and guy, you must have ambition for the capital growth when you invest in share market.
The small thinking inside the big thinking is if I lost RM3000, will my life become miserable or I cannot live or it is nothing to lose because I can easily earn back RM3000?
The thinking in your mind will make the future you - So start today think big what you want in life......
I told the lady - it is merely RM3000 or RM5000 initial capital to start. But how to start to accummulate or prepare the initial capital of RM3000 or RM5000 to start is depend on how strong is your desire.
If I tell you that your initial capital of RM3000 will confirm become RM6000 after one year - will you try all your effort to get RM3000?
Actually a lot of things can be realized if you think big and dare to start - of cos you also have to prepare to take the risk to lost all of your initial capital ( Will share how to minimize the risk of share investment in next chapter).
Year Investment Capital(100% Capital Growth)
1 RM3000
2 RM6000
3 RM12000
4 RM24000
5 RM48000
6 RM96000
7 RM192000
8 RM384000
9 RM768000
10 RM1536000
11 RM3072000
12 RM6144000
13 RM12288000
If you can double up your capital growth every year for consecutive 13 years, your RM3000 will become RM12,288,000. If this happen in your life? Can you imagine how wonderful is the life? How fast your will get your inital capital to start?
Lady and guy, you must have ambition for the capital growth when you invest in share market.
The small thinking inside the big thinking is if I lost RM3000, will my life become miserable or I cannot live or it is nothing to lose because I can easily earn back RM3000?
The thinking in your mind will make the future you - So start today think big what you want in life......
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