Recently just read this book, Start Late Finish Rich by David Bach. A very recommended book for your life financial planning. My point of view is this book should become a textbook in secondary school or university.
This book actually sharing of a " No Fail Plan For Achieving Financial Freedom At Any Age". The author already inspired thousand of thousand people to become financial independent.
The Author David mentioned never too late to start your financial planning and retire in very comfortable life. The Latte factor mentioned by David is very true in our daily life, people easily spend their money by their heart.
Anyway, dont read this book if you still want to enjoy your life by your heart. Dont read this book if you think 2012 is a doom day for the world.
The book also got translation version in Mandarin.
Just share some of the "Finish Rich" Philosophy.
- It is not too late for you to become rich - if you start today.
- Even if you are buried in debt - there is still hope.
- You dont have to make a lot of money to be rich.
- You dont have to invest in the stocks to get rich.
- You can get rich in real estate - by starting small.
- You can find your Latte factor - and turbocharge it to get rich.
- You can start a business on the side - while you keep your old job and continue earning a paycheck.
- You can spend less, save more, and make more - and it doesn't have to hurt
- You can and should reawaken your dreams - and go for them.
Hope you enjoy reading this book and practising the content of the book and will see you become rich after 30 years.
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