I always tell my friends there is a lot of opportunity in share market that make people become millionaire. If you just spend one hour everyday to study market trend and share analysis for 10 years and this actions will make you become millionaire - will you willing to do it? Not much capital needed and it is just probably start from RM5000.
Let me show you some example - although I also missed this opportunity and the chances is always there waitingt us. This example will show how powerful that share market can help you become millionaire and achive early retirement. Maybe you and I will feel regret why we never buy these kind of share before - but we are looking forward for future and chances are always there waiting those had made preparation.
Example One - This share had increased more than 70 fold from the lowest price - JCY -CD.
If you invest RM 2000 or RM 3000 in this JCY-CD from early of Oct 2011. Your RM 2000 or RM3000 will become RM72000 as on 3rd Febuary 2012. Your RM 2000 or RM3000 help you to earn around RM69000 which you can purchase a Persona by cash. If your start invest RM 8000 on 10 November 2011 which is one month later , your RM8000 also become RM72000 now which is 9 fold of your capital.
Imagine if you put more money in this share for example RM30000 when the share prive hit the bottom and hold it until now and you will have around RM700000 in your bank acoount or mean you already earn a corner double storey link house.
I also very regret did not study this counter properly and also scared to lose the hard earned and dont have guts to invest in this counter.
By having call warrant existing in Bursa, we can using the power of leverage to earn money but of cos there is also high risk when invest in call warrant because in some counter you will lose all your capital. Will you willing to lose RM3000 to earn RM70000?
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